Thursday, July 1, 2010

Make a Cross † Give a Cross

BeadWired is a “not-for-profit” ministry aimed @ giving. It's for the glory of God that I make the Cross & the Star-Of-David. It's been a blessing to create such simple artwork & to share it with the world. I’ve given some to Missionaries in Haiti & Thailand. Friends in Australia, Japan, England, Italy, Holland, France, the United States & Canada.

In 2003, I was bedridden due to severe arthritic pain. It's then that God gave me the creativity to design: the BeadWired Cross & the BeadWired Star-Of-David.

I used to knit. It was a good workout for my arthritic hands :) I made 4 knitted blankets. it took me 6 months to make each one...  I also did cross-stitching & quilting. But now, I make one of these BeadWired Cross in 10 minutes.  The gratification of finishing my creative work is much quicker than knitting.

I know that God gave me the idea so that I can share it with others.  I'd be selfish to keep it to myself. I know that lots of people out there love to work with their hands. 

I started a project named "Make a Cross † Give a Cross" ~ My goal is for people (i.e. Sunday schools, community centres, children's hospitals, summer camps) all around the world making these & giving them to others.

May God bless you as you make & give out these BeadWired Crosses. So now, it's up to you what you do with my simple instructions. I hope you will take the time to create this beautiful masterpiece.

Make a Cross † Give a Cross

Materials Needed:

26g WIRE (25" long)

10 BEADS (6 mm)


1 pair small PLIERS




NOTICE: I'm glad you're interested in making a BeadWired Crosses. My hope is that you make lots & give lots.  I DO NOT want anyone selling the BeadWired Crosses for a profit. That's what the Copyright is for.  It truly is a "not-for-profit" ministry that ministers to others the joy of creating & giving.

A-to-Z Instructions:

A) CUT with scissors WIRE to 25" long (an adult arms length)

B) FOLD wire in half.

C) MAKE 6mm LOOP by twisting twice the fold.

D) INSERT 2 beads through the 2 strands until the loop.
       (leave 1 mm between the 2 beads - AKA free space)

E) SEPARATE the 2 strands of wire horizontally.

F) INSERT 2 beads through the LEFT strand until the center.

G) FOLD strand back towards center.

H) TWIST wire past around the 1st bead twice.

I) BRING wire past the center & bring to the front.
       (do the same for the right strand)

J) INSERT 2 beads through the RIGHT strand until the center.

K) FOLD strand back towards center.

L) TWIST wire past around the 1st bead twice.

M) BRING wire past the 2nd bead to the center & the front.

N) TWIST the 2 vertical strands together twice.

O) INSERT 4 beads through the 2 strands until the center.
      (leave 4mm between the 1st & 2nd bead - AKA free space)

P) FOLD strand back towards center.

Q) TWIST wire past around the 1st bead twice.

R) TWIST wire past around the 2nd bead twice.

S) TWIST wire past around the 3rd bead twice.

T) PASS the 4th bead & center; crossover & make "X" in front

U) TWIST wire past around the 1st bead twice.

V) TWIST wire past around the 2nd bead twice.

W) CUT wire with scissors in the front of Cross.

X) FOLD wire with pliers (make sure the wire doesn't stick out)

Y) MAKE a Cross.

Z) GIVE a Cross.

Copyright ©2003-2013 BeadWired

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